I am an artist living on the beautiful island of North Uist in the Outer Hebrides and a member of the Uist Arts Association. 
A few winters ago each member was given a small box frame in which we were to insert a piece of work for inclusion in their Small Works Exhibition. Rummaging in the garage I found some scraps of plywood and produced a small carving similar to the illustration opposite. It didn’t sell, but I was not discouraged and continued to explore this theme more fully. 
Early in 2024, Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre asked if I would be interested in producing work for an exhibition in the cafe this summer. I called my exhibition "Repurposing", using my plywood to produce about twenty carvings of sand ripples inspired by the low tide patterns on our many lovely beaches. These decorated the cafe walls for two months over the summer. I also worked on discarded fence posts to make candle holders in various sizes.
I would like to thank the staff at Taigh Chearsabhagh for making it happen and to all who encouraged and supported me. Lastly thank you to those who purchased my endeavours.


My St Kilda calendar for 2025 is illustrated with my original art work in a variety of media; acrylic, watercolour, charcoal and wood. 

The 14 page wall calendar is in landscape format (297mm x 210mm) and is printed on 300g premium quality paper with wire binders. Each calendar is individually shrink wrapped.

Available from: 
Taigh Chearsabhagh 


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